Easy deployments are here

To kick off the release of the Nudow deployer, we want to give it to you for free. To ensure we have a great product that everyone will love to use, we are allowing everyone to subscribe and use it with no limits or costs. Please try it out and give us a lot of feedback on what you like and what more you would like. This will help us improve our product and customize it to your needs while helping others build great websites.

What is Nudow Deployer?

We fight to make the web faster and better by using industry standards to make websites fast and responsive and not slow, brittle, and boring. We help teams iterate faster by automating building, testing, and deployment. We do this all in 5 minutes, and not weeks and months.

What does all of that mean? We offer a tool to help build, deploy, and iterate on your product whether its a silly homepage or a professional web application which drives your business. All you have to do is give us access to your code and your servers and we will do the rest. “But is that dangerous?” you may ask. The answer is no! We use sophisticated security standards and AES 256 bit encryption to ensure that all of the access you give us protected at all times. We understand the importance of the trust you put in us to keep your infrastructure safe.

The easiest approach to trying to understand what we do, is to try to create a project here http://nudow.com/create/?source=wordpress and if you still don’t understand, read our full features page.

What is a Nudow anway?

Our logo and product is directly influenced by a small chuawawa named “Noodle”. We want to make sure that his loving face will always grace our loving product. The origin of the name Nudow came from a mispelling of “Noodle” by a Brazilian family member.

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